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Elemental Women's Health 2023 

Four sessions of exploration into female potential, empowerment and optimal health


Menstrual health, supporting our bleeds and reclaiming the feminine

Friday 17th March, 10.30am - 3.30pm



Rocking the transition through peri-menopause and beyond 

Saturday 29th April, 10.30am - 3.30pm



Optimising energy, mental health, immunity and fertility via the gut.

Friday 2nd June, 10.30am - 3.30pm



Nervous system healing and finding safety within 

Friday 30th June, 10.30am - 3.30pm



Why this offering? 


I help women who have already tried several natural or nutritional approaches to solving their health issues move from a state of confusion and information overload to clarity and confidence around how to meet their basic female physiological needs, heal their cycles, and achieve a level of vitality they previously didn’t think was possible.


After 8 years of experience focussing on hormonal, gut and nervous system health, I see these as the three pillars of female physiological well-being. In each of these areas I have both completely transformed my own experience of wellness, and helped many other women do the same. 


I’m here to share my experience with you, along with my tried and tested, practical and long-lasting strategies for achieving optimal female health and empowerment in a world that leads us astray from this basic birthright.



Why “Elemental”? 

The four elements, Water, Fire, Earth and Air, form the basis of Eastern and Western traditional medical theories, helping us understand how the body works, how imbalance arises and how to bring our physiology back towards optimal health.


In this 4-part workshop series, I draw from my training and experience in Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Western herbal medicine and conventional medical anatomy and physiology to explore the four 'elements' of women’s health - the menstrual cycle (Water), peri-menopause (Fire), gut health (Earth) and the nervous system (Air).  


In each module we’ll explore the influence of the elements themselves, the organs involved, and the nutritional, herbal and lifestyle medicine that can be drawn upon to bring each of the systems into balance. Within these four topics we’ll touch on many other areas - contraception, fertility, liver, kidney & heart health, thyroid health, sleep, trauma, mineral balance, and what foods to eat for optimal female vitality. 


One of my core beliefs is that good health should not be complicated or difficult to achieve. The challenge, when surrounded by so much conflicting health-related and nutritional advice in the modern world, is to keep dropping down into our intuition and connecting to our own truth, above all else. In this course, I offer you the opportunity to do just that, whilst sharing with you a complete breakdown of what I see as the fundamental (or elemental) steps to female wellness


Each session will also cover specific plant medicines, formulas and recipes that I have found most helpful with my clients over the years in treating women’s health issues. 



These sessions are suitable for both individuals and women's health practitioners who are interested in deepening their knowledge and personal self-care practices around these four key areas. We will meander from theory to practice, from meditation to active learning, from listening to sharing. There will be time to reflect and to integrate. My hope is that we can come together as our authentic selves, with an open mind and a willingness to unlearn, relearn and connect to our truth, individually and collectively. 



Session overview























In Water, we delve into the female menstrual cycle and all things related. We’ll discuss: 


  • The menstrual cycle, hormones, what’s normal and what’s not

  • The easiest and quickest way to success and enlightenment as a menstruating woman (menstrual cycle awareness!)

  • How to track your cycle and prevent pregnancy naturally. 

  • Natural healing from different types of menstrual issues, specific to the needs of the group. 

  • Eating for your cycle

  • Why to ditch your iron supplements, and what to do if you’ve been told you’re “anaemic” 

  • Supporting our womb to release a monthly period, miscarriage or aborxion. 

  • Local plant medicines that can support your health at each stage of the cycle. 
























The element of Fire brings us to the perimenopause, and the pathological expression of heat during this hormonal transition. How do we go about preparing our female bodies to welcome in the menopause with joy and ease? In this session we’ll explore: 


  • The psychosocial, emotional and spiritual aspects of menopause 

  • Liver, kidney and adrenal health from a Western and Chinese perspective 

  • Herbs and foods for cooling the liver, boosting Yin and improving resilience. 

  • Proper sun exposure, bone health and the vitamin D connection

  • Radical rest and the many forms of it 

  • Self massage techniques for hormonal and breast health. 

  • Herbs for improving sleep during the peri-menopause 

  • Nutrition for optimal hormonal balance

  • Local herbs for relieving common menopausal symptoms 





















Just as the soil provides the nourishment for plant life to thrive, the human body breaks down food into the nutrients we need to grow, develop and repair, through its own soil - the digestive organs and processes. Possibly the most fundamental aspect of human health, good gut health is based on a few important, inconvenient, non-negotiable facts. We’ll discuss: 


  • Digestion from both a Chinese and Western point of view

  • The origin of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders

  • How to heal your gut using herbs, foods and lifestyle practices 

  • What women and young girls really need to be eating for the optimal health and fertility of future generations 

  • Remineralisation and what it means for your health

  • Supplements and a simple home gut-healing protocol. 























Air pertains to the nervous system, which we have the capacity to regulate consciously via our breathing. Here we will touch on: 


  • The development of the nervous system in early life, polyvagal theory and trauma

  • Strategies and exercises to practice resourcing ourselves and optimise self-regulation

  • Emotional health and how it relates to the internal organs

  • Herbs and strategies for improving sleep

  • Herbs for moving through grief and loss. 

  • Herbs for increasing vagal tone and calming the sympathetic response

  • Nutritional and herbal approaches to ADHD in children and adults




Sliding scale pricing


Redistributor: €75

Payer Forward: €60

Sustainer: €50


Prices are per workshop and depend on income level. Please see my pricing page to determine which level most clearly reflects your situation.  


Get in touch with me via email at to reserve your space. 





The Womb With a View 

Soma da Terra, Aljezur 


Look forward to meeting and connecting with you :-) 































Lisa Clark, UK

I attended Poppy's herbal workshop and it was exceptional. Poppy laid out the information clearly and the material was fascinating - apparently she was a teacher previously and it really shows. I learned so much! I fully recommend the workshops.



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